How will you allow your wishes to change?
Tricia Roos
Speaker. Author. Consultant.
Tricia Roos is a Dallas wife and mother who built a winning career in sports and high school admissions but found her greatest victory in loss. Against the advice of medical experts, Tricia carried full term a child she was warned would die at birth or before. That season Tricia’s team won every game, the child in her grew, and eventually she held and loved the daughter who wasn’t supposed to live. In six days of a brief and remarkable life, Annabelle Roos rewrote the medical chapter on a chromosomal condition called Trisomy 18—giving life to a story that galvanized a large high school, a big city, readers of When Wishes Change, and audiences nationally.
As director of admissions for the largest co-ed private Catholic school in Texas, Tricia burst the seams on annual student applications. Her volleyball teams often ranked nationally and statewide among both public and private schools on numerous occasions. Dozens of her athletes played at the college level—in critical roles at LSU, Baylor, Boston College, SMU, Loyola Maryland, St. Francis University, Tulane, St. Mary’s College, and many others.
When Wishes Change is about how her wish for a healthy baby girl changed into something more beautiful than she could have ever dreamed.
More than that, the lesson of allowing your wishes to change transcends the loss of a child. We can all learn that through change, we can love deeper, go further, and grow more than we can ever imagine for ourselves.
Tricia has a deep passion for sharing her story with others as well as sharing her knowledge of branding, marketing and educational consulting with others.